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Nutrition Related Questions
Is Barilla Pasta a healthy food?
The Mediteranean style of eating is celebrated as one of the healthiest in the world. Pasta is a cornerstone of this lifestyle, and in fact it is eaten regularly in Italy. Pasta is not only an affordable, healthy family meal choice, but also provides a delicious culinary vehicle in which to incorporate more vegetables, legumes and other healthy foods into your eating plan.
Is pasta fattening?
Pasta alone will not make you fat. Excess calories create excess fat. Pasta is a good complex carbohydrate food. Skip the heavy cream and butter sauces to trim back the calorie content of the meal and choose nutrient-rich pasta “partners” that are high in fiber or protein and low in unhealthy fats, such as fresh herbs, vegetables, beans, and lean poultry.
Is the nutritional information listed on each box of pasta for cooked or uncooked pasta?
The recommended serving size is 2 ounces of uncooked pasta, which equals approximately 1 cup of cooked pasta. For a detailed conversion of dry vs. cooked pasta visit our conversion chart located in the Pasta Measuring FAQ.
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Barilla G. & R. FratelliVia Mantova 166
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